2.3.8. Create a batch update function

This section describes the batch update function based on an example application.

Description of the function to be created
  1. Click on the batch update (プロジェクト一括更新)link on the menu for transition to the batch update screen.
  1. Results of all project searches are displayed.
  1. Rewrite the item to be updated on the relevant page and click the update(更新) button (update across pages is not possible).
  1. When the update confirmation screen is displayed, click on the confirm(確定) button.
  1. The database is updated and the update completion screen is displayed.
../../../../../_images/project_bulk_update-complete.png Create a batch update function

Describes how to create a bulk update feature.

Create a form

Create a form to accept search condition and to accept update contents respectively.

Create a search form
Refer to create search function:Form creation as the same implementation can be used for the search form.
Create an update form

Create two types of forms as the update information of multiple projects is sent in a batch.

A form to accept updates for one project

Create a form that accepts the update value for one project.

public class InnerProjectForm implements Serializable {

    // Excerpt of some items only

    /** Project name */
    private String projectName;

    // Getter and setter are omitted
Key points of this implementation
Parent form with a list of forms as properties for a single project

To receive updated information of multiple projects in a batch, create a parent form that defines a list of forms to receive update information for one project.

public class ProjectBulkForm implements Serializable {

    /** List of project information */
    private List<InnerProjectForm> projectList = new ArrayList<>();

    // Getter and setter are omitted
Key points of this implementation
Create a bean that delivers the update target list acquired with business action to the screen.

Creates a bean that delivers the update target list acquired with business action to the screen. This bean is registered in the session store to be carried through the batch update and confirmation screen.

public class ProjectListDto implements Serializable {

    /** Project list */
    private List<Project> projectList = new ArrayList<>();

    // Getter and setter are omitted
Key points of this implementation
Create a business action method to display the batch update screen

Acquire the target project from the database and create a business action method to be displayed on the batch update screen.

@InjectForm(form = ProjectSearchForm.class, prefix = "searchForm",  name = "searchForm")
@OnError(type = ApplicationException.class, path = "forward://initialize")
public HttpResponse list(HttpRequest request, ExecutionContext context) {

    ProjectSearchForm searchForm = context.getRequestScopedVar("searchForm");

    // Search execution
    ProjectSearchDto projectSearchDto
        = BeanUtil.createAndCopy(ProjectSearchDto.class, searchForm);
    EntityList<Project> projectList = searchProject(projectSearchDto, context);
    ProjectListDto projectListDto = new ProjectListDto();
    SessionUtil.put(context, "projectListDto", projectListDto);

    // Pass the update target to the screen
    context.setRequestScopedVar("bulkForm", projectListDto);

    // Save the search criteria
    SessionUtil.put(context, "projectSearchDto", projectSearchDto);

    return new HttpResponse("/WEB-INF/view/projectBulk/update.jsp");
Key points of this implementation
  • Refer to create search function:Business action implementation as the same implementation method can be used for the search method.
  • When returning to the batch update screen from the confirmation screen, register and carry out the search conditions in the session store so that paging and re-search is enabled under the same conditions.
Create a batch update screen JSP

Create a JSP for batch update screen that displays the search results and compiles information of multiple projects.

<!-- Display section of customer search result -->
    <!-- Register the URI containing the search conditions used to display the current search results as a
         variable in the page scope as a variable.
         This variable is used as URI for the paging of <app:listSearchResult> tag. -->
    <c:url value="list" var="uri">
        <!-- Acquire search criteria from projectSearchDto of the session store -->
        <c:param name="searchForm.clientId" value="${projectSearchDto.clientId}"/>
        <c:param name="searchForm.clientName" value="${projectSearchDto.clientName}"/>
        <c:param name="searchForm.projectName" value="${projectSearchDto.projectName}"/>
        <!--  Omitted as it is a search condition parameter as well -->

    <!-- Attribute values of listSearchResult are omitted  -->
        <jsp:attribute name="headerRowFragment">
                <th>Project ID</th>
                <th>Project name</th>
                <th>Project type</th>
                <th>Start date</th>
                <th>End date</th>
        <jsp:attribute name="bodyRowFragment">
            <tr class="info">
                    <!-- Displays the link with project ID as a parameter -->
                    <n:a href="show/${row.projectId}">
                        <n:write name="bulkForm.projectList[${status.index}].projectId"/>
                    <n:plainHidden name="bulkForm.projectList[${status.index}].projectId"/>
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <n:text name="bulkForm.projectList[${status.index}].projectName"
                                maxlength="64" cssClass="form-control"
                                errorCss="input-error input-text"/>
                        <n:error errorCss="message-error"
                                name="bulkForm.projectList[${status.index}].projectName" />
                <!-- Other editing items are omitted -->

    <div class="title-nav page-footer">
        <div class="button-nav">
            <n:button id="bottomUpdateButton" uri="/action/projectBulk/confirmOfUpdate"
                disabled="${isUpdatable}" cssClass="btn btn-raised btn-success">
            <n:a id="bottomCreateButton" type="button" uri="/action/project"
                cssClass="btn btn-raised btn-default" value="New registration"></n:a>
Key points of this implementation
  • Refer to create search function: Create a search result display part as the method to create a JSP that displays search results.
  • When returning to the batch update screen from the confirmation screen, configure search condition parameters based on the search conditions acquired from session store, so that re-search and paging is enabled under the same conditions. In JSP, objects registered in session store can be handled in the same way as objects registered in the request scope.
  • Array type or List type property element can be accessed by the property name[index] format. For more information, see Rules to access input/output data.
Create a business action method to check the updated contents

Create a business action method to check the updated contents.

@InjectForm(form = ProjectBulkForm.class, prefix = "bulkForm", name = "bulkForm")
@OnError(type = ApplicationException.class, path = "/WEB-INF/view/projectBulk/update.jsp")
public HttpResponse confirmOfUpdate(HttpRequest request, ExecutionContext context) {

    ProjectBulkForm form = context.getRequestScopedVar("bulkForm");
    ProjectListDto dto = SessionUtil.get(context, "projectListDto");

    // Overwrite updates to session
    final List<InnerProjectForm> innerForms = form.getProjectList();
       .forEach(project ->
                         .filter(innerForm ->
                                 Objects.equals(innerForm.getProjectId(), project.getProjectId()
                         .ifPresent(innerForm -> BeanUtil.copy(innerForm, project)));

    return new HttpResponse("/WEB-INF/view/projectBulk/confirmOfUpdate.jsp");
Key points of this implementation
Create a confirmation screen JSP

Create a JSP that displays the changed project information on the screen.

    <div class="title-nav">
        <span>Project search list update screen</span>
        <div class="button-nav">
            <n:form useToken="true">
              <!-- Button part is omitted -->
    <h4 class="font-group">Project update list</h4>
        <table class="table table-striped table-hover">
                <th>Project ID</th>
                <th>Project name</th>
                <th>Project type</th>
                <th>Start date</th>
                <th>End date</th>
            <c:forEach var="row" items="${projectListDto.projectList}">
                <tr class="<n:write name='oddEvenCss' />">
                        <n:write name="row.projectId" />
                    <!-- Other items are omitted -->
Create a business action method that updates the database in a batch

The target project is updated in a batch.

public HttpResponse update(HttpRequest request, ExecutionContext context) {

  ProjectListDto projectListDto = SessionUtil.get(context, "projectListDto");

  return new HttpResponse(303, "redirect://completeOfUpdate");
Key points of this implementation
Display completion screen
Refer to create an update function: Create update completion screen as the same implementation method can be used for the completion screen.

This completes the description of the batch update function.

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