Micrometer Adapter

Provides an adapter to perform metrics collection using Micrometer (external site) .

This adapter can be used to do the following. This provides the advantage of easier operational monitoring of the application.

Module list

<!-- Micrometer adapter -->


Tests are conducted using Micrometer version 1.5.4. If you change the version, the project should be tested to make sure it is working.

Setting up to use the Micrometer adapter

In order to collect metrics in Micrometer, need to create a class called Registry (external site) . This adapter provides a ComponentFactory to register this registry in the System Repository.

In this section, describe how to set up LoggingMeterRegistryFactory as an example, registering LoggingMeterRegistry (external site) as a component.


LoggingMeterRegistry (external site) provides the feature to log metrics using SLF4J or Java Util Logging. When no specific configuration is made, metrics are output to standard output using Java Util Logging, which is useful for a quick behavior check.

Other registries require a lot of work to prepare the services to be federated and to create an implementation to output the collected metrics. For this reason, we have used LoggingMeterRegistry (external site) , which is the easiest to behavior check.

In this example, use Web application Example (external site) as the base application.

Declare the DefaultsMeterBinderListProvider as a component

The Micrometer has an interface called MeterBinder (external site) .

The collection of frequently used metrics, such as JVM memory usage and CPU usage, is provided in advance as a class that implements this interface. (e.g., JvmMemoryMetrics (external site) for JVM memory usage and ProcessorMetrics (external site) for CPU usage)

DefaultMeterBinderListProvider is a class that provides this MeterBinder (external site) list , which can be used to collect metrics such as JVM memory usage and CPU usage.

First, add this DefaultMeterBinderListProvider declaration to src/main/resources/web-component-configuration.xml .

<component name="meterBinderListProvider"
           class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.DefaultMeterBinderListProvider" />

For a specific description of the metrics that are collected, see Metrics collected by the DefaultMeterBinderListProvider .

Target the DefaultsMeterBinderListProvider for disposal

Because the DefaultMeterBinderListProvider is a component that needs to be disposed of, declare it for disposal as follows.

<component name="disposer"

  <property name="disposableList">
      <component-ref name="meterBinderListProvider"/>


For the object disposal process, see Handling the disposal of objects .

Declare the registry’s factory class as a component

<component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.logging.LoggingMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />

Next, declare the factory class as a component, which is provided for each registry to be used.

In doing so, configure two properties, meterBinderListProvider and applicationDisposer . For each property, configure DefaultMeterBinderListProvider and BasicApplicationDisposer as declared above.

The factory classes provided by this adapter are listed in Registry factory .

Creating a configuration file

Finally, create a text file named micrometer.properties under src/main/resources .

Describe the contents as follows.

# Output metrics every 5 seconds (1 minute in default)
# Configuring to output log at disposal process
# even if the application is terminated earlier than the time specified in step.


micrometer.properties must be placed even if the content is empty.

Execution Result

Now you can collect metrics using the LoggingMeterRegistry .

Launching the application, can see that the collected metrics are output to standard output as follows

2020-09-04 15:33:40.689 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.gc.count{memory.manager.name=PS Scavenge} throughput=2.6/s
2020-09-04 15:33:40.690 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.gc.count{memory.manager.name=PS MarkSweep} throughput=0.4/s
2020-09-04 15:33:40.691 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.buffer.count{id=mapped} value=0 buffers
2020-09-04 15:33:40.691 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.buffer.count{id=direct} value=2 buffers
2020-09-04 15:33:40.692 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.buffer.memory.used{id=direct} value=124 KiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.692 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.buffer.memory.used{id=mapped} value=0 B
2020-09-04 15:33:40.692 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.buffer.total.capacity{id=mapped} value=0 B
2020-09-04 15:33:40.692 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.buffer.total.capacity{id=direct} value=124 KiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.693 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.classes.loaded{} value=9932 classes
2020-09-04 15:33:40.693 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.gc.live.data.size{} value=0 B
2020-09-04 15:33:40.693 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.gc.max.data.size{} value=2.65918 GiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.694 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.committed{area=heap,id=PS Old Gen} value=182.5 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.694 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.committed{area=heap,id=PS Survivor Space} value=44 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.694 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.committed{area=heap,id=PS Eden Space} value=197 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.694 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.committed{area=nonheap,id=Code Cache} value=29.125 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.694 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.committed{area=nonheap,id=Compressed Class Space} value=6.796875 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.695 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.committed{area=nonheap,id=Metaspace} value=55.789062 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.695 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.max{area=heap,id=PS Old Gen} value=2.65918 GiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.695 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.max{area=heap,id=PS Survivor Space} value=44 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.696 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.max{area=nonheap,id=Code Cache} value=240 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.696 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.max{area=nonheap,id=Metaspace} value=-1 B
2020-09-04 15:33:40.696 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.max{area=heap,id=PS Eden Space} value=1.243652 GiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.696 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.max{area=nonheap,id=Compressed Class Space} value=1 GiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.697 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.used{area=nonheap,id=Code Cache} value=28.618713 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.697 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.used{area=nonheap,id=Compressed Class Space} value=6.270714 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.697 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.used{area=nonheap,id=Metaspace} value=54.118324 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.698 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.used{area=heap,id=PS Old Gen} value=69.320663 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.698 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.used{area=heap,id=PS Survivor Space} value=7.926674 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.698 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.memory.used{area=heap,id=PS Eden Space} value=171.750542 MiB
2020-09-04 15:33:40.698 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.daemon{} value=28 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.698 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.live{} value=29 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.699 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.peak{} value=31 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.702 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.states{state=blocked} value=0 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.703 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.states{state=runnable} value=9 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.703 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.states{state=new} value=0 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.703 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.states{state=timed-waiting} value=3 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.703 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.states{state=terminated} value=0 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:40.704 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: jvm.threads.states{state=waiting} value=17 threads
2020-09-04 15:33:41.199 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: process.cpu.usage{} value=0.111672
2020-09-04 15:33:41.199 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: process.start.time{} value=444222h 33m 14.544s
2020-09-04 15:33:41.199 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: process.uptime{} value=26.729s
2020-09-04 15:33:41.200 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: system.cpu.count{} value=8
2020-09-04 15:33:41.200 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: system.cpu.usage{} value=0.394545

Configuration File


Create a configuration file for this adapter to be placed directly under the classpath with the name micrometer.properties .


Describe it in the following format


The value specified for <subPrefix> is different for each registry factory used.

For each registry factory, the following table lists the values to specify for <subPrefix>.

Registry factory subPrefix
SimpleMeterRegistryFactory simple
LoggingMeterRegistryFactory logging
CloudWatchMeterRegistryFactory cloudwatch
DatadogMeterRegistryFactory datadog
StatsdMeterRegistryFactory statsd

<key> should be the same name as the method defined in configuration class (external site) that Micrometer provides per registry.

For example, there is a configuration class named DatadogConfig (external site) for DatadogMeterRegistry (external site) . And in this configuration class, a method named apyKey (external site) is defined.

Therefore, can configure your apiKey by writing in your micrometer.properties like this.


Override with OS environment variables or system properties

The configuration values in micrometer.properties can be overridden by OS environment variables or system properties.

The configuration values are adopted in the following order of priority.

  1. The value specified in system properties
  2. Value specified in OS environment variables
  3. Configuration values for micrometer.properties

For example, suppose you have the following conditions set.



OS environment variables



system properties


In this case, each set value will eventually adopt the following values

Key Value adopted
two OS_ENV

For rules on naming when overwriting with OS environment variables, see About the names of OS environment variables .

Changing the configuration prefix

The configuration prefix (nablarch.micrometer.<subPrefix>) can be changed by specifying the prefix property for each registry factory.

Below is an example of changing the prefix.

<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.logging.LoggingMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />

  <!-- Configuring the prefix property with an arbitrary prefix -->
  <property name="prefix" value="sample.prefix" />

In this case, the micrometer.properties can be configured as follows


Changing the place of the configuration file

The place of the configuration file (micrometer.properties) can be changed in the following ways.

First, specify the path of the XML file to load the configuration file in xmlConfigPath property of the registry factory.

<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.logging.LoggingMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />

  <!-- Specify the path of the XML file to load the configuration file -->
  <property name="xmlConfigPath" value="config/metrics.xml" />

And, place the XML file to load the configuration file at the place specified in the xmlConfigPath property. In the following configuration, config/metrics.properties in the classpath will be loaded as a configuration file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://tis.co.jp/nablarch/component-configuration https://nablarch.github.io/schema/component-configuration.xsd">

  <!-- Load Micrometer adapter Configuration -->
  <config-file file="config/metrics.properties" />



This XML file can be written in the same format as the component configuration file.

However, even if you define a component in this file, you will not be able to get a reference from the System Repository.

Metrics collected by the DefaultMeterBinderListProvider

MeterBinder (external site) list generated by the DefaultMeterBinderListProvider contains the following classes.

This will enable the following metrics to be collected.

Metrics Name Description
jvm.buffer.count The number of buffers in the buffer pool
jvm.buffer.memory.used Buffer pool usage
jvm.buffer.total.capacity Total capacity of the buffer pool
jvm.memory.used Memory pool memory usage
jvm.memory.committed The committed amount of memory in the memory pool
jvm.memory.max The maximum amount of memory in the memory pool
jvm.gc.max.data.size The maximum amount of memory in the OLD space
jvm.gc.live.data.size Memory usage in the OLD space after Full GC
jvm.gc.memory.promoted Incremental memory usage in the OLD space, increased before and after GC
jvm.gc.memory.allocated Incremental memory usage in the young space from the previous GC to the current GC
jvm.gc.concurrent.phase.time Concurrent phase processing time
jvm.gc.pause Time spent on GC pause
jvm.threads.peak Peak number of threads
jvm.threads.daemon The number of current daemon threads
jvm.threads.live The number of current non-demon threads
jvm.threads.states The number of current threads per state
jvm.classes.loaded The number of classes currently loaded
jvm.classes.unloaded The number of classes that have been unloaded since the JVM was started
system.cpu.count The number of processors available in the JVM
system.load.average.1m Last minute system load average (Reference: OperatingSystemMXBean(external site)
system.cpu.usage Recent system-wide CPU usage
process.cpu.usage The JVM’s recent CPU usage
process.files.open The number of open file descriptors
process.files.max Maximum number of file descriptors
process.uptime JVM uptime
process.start.time JVM startup time (UNIX time)
jvm.gc.count Number of GC

See Execution Result for an example of the actual metrics to be collected.

Configuring Common Tags

The tags property of the registry factory allows you to configure tags that are common to all metrics.

This feature can be used, for example, to set information that can identify the host, instance, region, etc. on which an application is running.

Describe how to set it up below.

<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.logging.LoggingMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />

  <!-- Configure common tags in the tags property -->
  <property name="tags">
      <entry key="foo" value="FOO" />
      <entry key="bar" value="BAR" />

The tags property is of type Map<String, String> and can be configured using a <map> tag. In addition, the map key is mapped to the name of the tag and the map value is mapped to the tag value.

In the case of the above setup, the metrics to be collected are as follows.

2020-09-04 17:30:06.656 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: process.start.time{bar=BAR,foo=FOO} value=444224h 29m 38.875000064s
2020-09-04 17:30:06.656 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: process.uptime{bar=BAR,foo=FOO} value=27.849s
2020-09-04 17:30:06.656 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: system.cpu.count{bar=BAR,foo=FOO} value=8
2020-09-04 17:30:06.657 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: system.cpu.usage{bar=BAR,foo=FOO} value=0.475654

Can see that all metrics are set with the tags foo=FOO, bar=BAR .

Working with monitoring services

In order to work with monitoring services, the following settings need to be made, broadly categorized.

  1. Add a Micrometer module for each monitoring service to the dependencies.
  2. Define a registry factory for the monitoring service as a component.
  3. Configuring other proprietary settings for each monitoring service.

This section describes how to work with each of the monitoring services.

Working with Datadog

Adding Dependencies
Declare the Registry Factory
<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.datadog.DatadogMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />
Configuring the API key

The API key can be set in nablarch.micrometer.datadog.apyKey .

See DatadogConfig (external site) for other configuration.

Disable the registry

You can disable the registry by setting nablarch.micrometer.datadog.enabled to false in micrometer.properties. You can override this configuration by environment variable. Therefor, you can enable the registry by setting true with environment variable only at production.


Even if you disable the registry, you still need to set some value for nablarch.micrometer.datadog.apiKey. You can set dummy value to the apiKey.

Working with CloudWatch

Adding Dependencies
Declare the Registry Factory
<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.cloudwatch.CloudWatchMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />
Configure the region, access keys, etc
$ export AWS_REGION=ap-northeast-1



The micrometer-registry-cloudwatch2 module uses the AWS SDK. Therefore, the configuration of the region, access keys, etc. follows the AWS SDK ways.

The above describes an example of how to set up an OS environment variable in Linux. For more information, see the AWS documentation (external site) .

Configuring the namespace

Custom metrics namespaces can be configured in nablarch.micrometer.cloudwatch.namespace .

See CloudWatchConfig (external site) for more configuration information.

More detailed configuration

If want more detailed configuration that cannot be specified in the OS environment variables and configuration files, you can write a custom provider that implements CloudWatchAsyncClientProvider .

package example.micrometer.cloudwatch;

import nablarch.integration.micrometer.cloudwatch.CloudWatchAsyncClientProvider;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.cloudwatch.CloudWatchAsyncClient;

public class CustomCloudWatchAsyncClientProvider implements CloudWatchAsyncClientProvider {
    public CloudWatchAsyncClient provide() {
        return CloudWatchAsyncClient
                .asyncConfiguration(...) // Do your own configuration

CloudWatchAsyncClientProvider has a provide() method that provides the CloudWatchAsyncClient . A custom provider implements the provide() method to build and return the CloudWatchAsyncClient with your desired configuration.

<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.cloudwatch.CloudWatchMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />

  <!-- Configure a custom provider for the cloudWatchAsyncClientProvider property -->
  <property name="cloudWatchAsyncClientProvider">
    <component class="example.micrometer.cloudwatch.CustomCloudWatchAsyncClientProvider" />

The custom provider you write will be configured in the cloudWatchAsyncClientProvider property of the CloudWatchMeterRegistryFactory .

This enables the CloudWatchAsyncClient generated by the custom provider to be used in the cooperation of the metrics.


By default, the instance created by CloudWatchAsyncClient.create() (external site) is used.

Disable the registry

You can disable the registry by setting nablarch.micrometer.cloudwatch.enabled to false in micrometer.properties. You can override this configuration by environment variable. Therefor, you can enable the registry by setting true with environment variable only at production.


Even if you disable the registry, you still need to set some value for nablarch.micrometer.cloudwatch.namespace. You also need to set the environment variable AWS_REGION.

You can set dummy values to the namespace and AWS_REGION.

Working with Azure

How to send metrics to Azure with Micrometer

Azure provides the library using the Java agent (Java 3.0 agent) for sending metrics from Java applications to Azure.

The Java 3.0 agent automatically collects metrics output to Micrometer’s Global Registry(external site), and sends to Azure.


The Java 3.0 agent loads a large number of jar files during the initialization process. This may cause frequent GC during the initialization process of the Java 3.0 agent.

Therefore, note that the performance may temporarily deteriorate due to GC for a while after the application is launched.

Also, under heavy load, the overhead caused by the processing of the Java 3.0 agent may affect the performance. Therefore, you should confirm the performance in the performance test with the Java 3.0 agent as in production.

For information on how to set up a Java 3.0 agent, see Distributed Tracing in Azure .

How to configure Micrometer adaptor

You need to configure following settings to send metrics to Azure with Micrometer adaptor.

  • Add the Java 3.0 agent to your application’s JVM args
  • Define a MeterRegistry component using the Global Registry

See the Azure documentation(external site) for how to set JVM args.

This adaptor provides GlobalMeterRegistryFactory for factory of Global Registry component. The following is an example of a component definition for this factory class.

<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.GlobalMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />

This configuration makes the Global Registry to collect metrics. The Java 3.0 agent sends metrics collected by the Global Registry to Azure.


MeterRegistry is not used in this approach using Java 3.0 agent. Therefore, you can send metrics without additional dependent modules for Azure.


The metrics are sent by the Java 3.0 agent provided by Azure. Therefore, you must use configuration options provided by the Java 3.0 agent.

For more information, see Configuration Options(external site).


The configuration file for this adapter, micrometer.properties, is not used. However, you must place the micrometer.properties file (the content can be empty).

Disable the registry
You can disable to send metrics by launching application without the Java 3.0 agent.

Working with Datadog using StatsD

Datadog supports DogStatsD (external site), which is a cooperation using the StatsD (external site) protocol.

Therefore, Can use micrometer-registry-statsd module to connect to Datadog with StatsD.

In this section, we will use the case of cooperation with Datadog using the StatsD protocol as an example. For more information on how to install DogStatsD, refer to Datadog’s site (external site) .

Adding Dependencies
Declare the Registry Factory
<component name="meterRegistry" class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.statsd.StatsdMeterRegistryFactory">
  <property name="meterBinderListProvider" ref="meterBinderListProvider" />
  <property name="applicationDisposer" ref="disposer" />
Write a configuration file if necessary

The configuration for working with the StatsD daemon has been adjusted so that the default values match those of DogStatsD installed in its default configuration.

Therefore, if DogStatsD is installed in the default configuration, the cooperation by DogStatsD will work without any explicit settings.

If you have installed a non-default configuration, refer to StatsdConfig (external site) to configure it for actual environment.

# Change Port
Disable the registry

You can disable the registry by setting nablarch.micrometer.statsd.enabled to false in micrometer.properties. You can override this configuration by environment variable. Therefor, you can enable the registry by setting true with environment variable only at production.

Examples of metrics for each application type.

In this section, we will explain what metrics should be collected for each application type (web and batch).

Examples of metrics for web applications

Processing time for HTTP requests

By measuring the processing time for each HTTP request, you can do the following.

  • You can check how much traffic each URL
  • You can check how long it takes to process the request

By measuring percentiles, you can also check how long it takes to process most of the requests.

See the following guide for more informations on how to collect these metrics.

Processing time for SQL

By measuring the SQL processing time, you can do the following.

  • You can check how long it takes for each SQL to be processed
  • You can check for SQLs that are taking longer than expected

See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Output count per log level

By measuring the count of outputs per log level, you can do the following.

  • You can check if the warning log is output an abnormal number of times (attack detection)
  • You can detect error logs

See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Status of resources provided by application servers and libraries

By collecting metrics on the status of resources provided by application servers and libraries (thread pools, DB connection pools, etc.), you can use it as a source of information to identify the cause of system failures.

Many application servers expose the status of their resources through MBean in JMX. See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Examples of metrics for batch applications

Processing time for batch

By measuring the processing time of batches in normally, you can know the processing time under normal conditions. Therefore, you can quickly detect abnormalities when processing time deviates from normal.

You can get processing time of batch by process.uptime described in Metrics collected by the DefaultMeterBinderListProvider.

Processing time per transaction

By measuring the processing time per transaction, you can check whether each threads are distributed evenly in the multi-thread batch.

As with processing time for batch, you can quickly detect abnormalities when processing time deviates from normal.

See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Processed count with batch

By measuring the count that was processed by batch, you can do the following.

  • You can check the progress of the batch
  • You can check that the batch process is proceeding at the expected speed
  • You can check that the count processed with batch is expected

See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Processing time for SQL

By measuring the SQL processing time, you can do the following.

  • You can check how long it takes for each SQL to be processed
  • You can check for SQLs that are taking longer than expected

See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Output count per log level

By measuring the count of outputs per log level, you can detect warning logs and error logs.

See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Status of resources provided by libraries

By collecting metrics on the status of resources provided by libraries (DB connection pools, etc.), you can use it as a source of information to identify the cause of system failures.

Some libraries expose the status of the resource through MBean in JMX. See the following guide for more informations on how to collect metrics.

Handler to measure processing time

By setting TimerMetricsHandler to the handler queue, you can measure processing time of subsequent handlers as metrics. You can monitor the average and maximum processing times in handler queue.

TimerMetricsHandler needs an instance of a class that implements the HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder interface. The HandlerMetrcisMetaDataBuilder provides a function to build the following meta data for setting to collected metrics.

  • Name of metrics
  • Description of metrics
  • Tag list of metrics

The following is an example for implementation of HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag;
import nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.handler.HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class CustomHandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder<TData, TResult>
    implements HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder<TData, TResult> {

    public String getMetricsName() {
        return "metrics.name";

    public String getMetricsDescription() {
        return "Description of this metrics.";

    public List<Tag> buildTagList(TData param, ExecutionContext executionContext, TResult tResult, Throwable thrownThrowable) {
        return Arrays.asList(Tag.of("foo", "FOO"), Tag.of("bar", "BAR"));

You need implement methods getMetricsName() and getMetricsDescription() that return name and description of the metrics.

buildTagList() is passed the parameters passed to the handler, the execution result of the subsequent handler, and any exceptions thrown by the subsequent handler (or null if no exceptions were thrown). You need implement this method that returns list of tags for the metrics.

The following is an example for setting TimerMetricsHandler to the handler queue.

<!-- Handler queue -->
<component name="webFrontController"
  <property name="handlerQueue">
      <!-- ... -->

      <component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.handler.TimerMetricsHandler">
        <property name="meterRegistry" ref="meterRegistry" />

        <property name="handlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder">
          <component class="xxx.CustomHandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder" />

      <!-- ... -->

Add TimerMetricsHandler to the handler queue and set the HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder component to handlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder property.

Then, set the MeterRegistry (external site) created by registry factory to meterRegistry property.

Now the TimerMetricsHandler can collect the processing time of subsequent handlers as metrics.

Nablarch provides a class that implements HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder to provide the following function. For more information, please refer to the linked explanation.

Collect the percentiles

TimerMetricsHandler has the following properties to send percentiles to the monitoring services.

Property Description
percentiles A list of percentile values to be collected. If you want to collect the 95th percentile, specify 0.95.
enablePercentileHistogram A flag whether the bucket of collected histograms should be sent to the monitoring service. If the monitoring service does not support a mechanism to calculate percentile values from histograms, this property will be ignored.
serviceLevelObjectives A list of bucket values to be added to the histogram. The unit is milliseconds. This value is set based on the SLO (Service Level Objective).
minimumExpectedValue A minimum value of the histogram bucket to be collected. The unit is milliseconds.
maximumExpectedValue A maximum value of the histogram bucket to be collected. The unit is milliseconds.

These properties are used as values to be set in Timer(external site) provided by Micrometer. For more details, see the Micrometer documentation (external site).

These properties are unset by default. Therefore, no percentile information is collected. You must configure these properties explicitly if you want collect percentiles. The following is an example for configuration.

<component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.handler.TimerMetricsHandler">
  <property name="meterRegistry" ref="meterRegistry" />
  <property name="handlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder">
    <component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.http.HttpRequestTimeMetricsMetaDataBuilder" />

  <!-- Collect 98th, 90th, 50th percentiles -->
  <property name="percentiles">

  <!-- Send the histogram backets to the monitoring service  -->
  <property name="enablePercentileHistogram" value="true" />

  <!-- Set 1000ms and 1500ms as SLO -->
  <property name="serviceLevelObjectives">

  <!-- Set the minimum bucket value to 500ms -->
  <property name="minimumExpectedValue" value="500" />
  <!-- Set the maximum bucket value to 3000ms -->
  <property name="maximumExpectedValue" value="3000" />

If you use PrometheusMeterRegistry(external site) as MeterRegistry, the above configuration will allow you to collect the following metrics.

http_server_requests_seconds{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",quantile="0.98",} 1.475346432
http_server_requests_seconds{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",quantile="0.9",} 1.408237568
http_server_requests_seconds{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",quantile="0.5",} 0.737148928
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="0.5",} 9.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="0.536870911",} 9.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="0.626349396",} 12.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="0.715827881",} 16.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="0.805306366",} 16.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="0.894784851",} 17.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="0.984263336",} 17.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="1.0",} 18.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="1.073741824",} 20.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="1.431655765",} 29.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="1.5",} 32.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="1.789569706",} 32.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="2.147483647",} 32.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="2.505397588",} 32.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="2.863311529",} 32.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="3.0",} 32.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{class="com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction",exception="None",httpMethod="GET",method="index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",le="+Inf",} 32.0


In above example, we use PrometheusMeterRegistry to show a concrete example of a histogram bucket(http_server_requests_seconds_bucket). Prometheus(external site) supports calculating percentiles by histogram.

However, this adaptor does not provide MeterRegistryFactory of PrometheusMeterRegistry. If you want to try the metrics of the histogram bucket, you should create the following class.

package example.micrometer.prometheus;

import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusConfig;
import io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry;
import nablarch.core.repository.di.DiContainer;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.MicrometerConfiguration;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.NablarchMeterRegistryConfig;

public class PrometheusMeterRegistryFactory extends MeterRegistryFactory<PrometheusMeterRegistry> {

    protected PrometheusMeterRegistry createMeterRegistry(MicrometerConfiguration micrometerConfiguration) {
        return new PrometheusMeterRegistry(new Config(prefix, micrometerConfiguration));

    public PrometheusMeterRegistry createObject() {
        return doCreateObject();

    static class Config extends NablarchMeterRegistryConfig implements PrometheusConfig {

        public Config(String prefix, DiContainer diContainer) {
            super(prefix, diContainer);

        protected String subPrefix() {
            return "prometheus";

The provided HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder implementation

In this section, we explain the implementation class of HandlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder, which is provided by Nablarch.

Collect the processing time of HTTP requests

The HttpRequestTimeMetricsMetaDataBuilder builds meta data of metrics for measuring processing time of HTTP requrest.

This class uses http.server.requirements as the name of the metrics.

This class set the following tags to metrics.

Tag name Description
class The name of the action class that handled the request (Class.getName()). If it cannot be obtained, it will be UNKNOWN.
method A string consisting of the method name of the action class that handled the request and the type name of the argument (Class.getCanonicalName()), joined by an underscore (_). If it cannot be obtained, it will be UNKNOWN.
httpMethod A HTTP method.
status A HTTP status code.
outcome A string indicating the status code type (1XX: INFORMATION, 2XX: SUCCESS, 3XX: REDIRECTION, 4XX: CLIENT_ERROR, 5XX: SERVER_ERROR, Others: UNKNOWN).
exception A simple name of the exception thrown during request processing (or None if no exception was thrown).

The following is an example using this class.

<!-- Handler queue -->
<component name="webFrontController"
  <property name="handlerQueue">
      <!-- Handler to collect metrics of processing time of HTTP requests -->
      <component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.handler.TimerMetricsHandler">
        <!-- Set the MeterRegistry created by the registry factory to meterRegistry property -->
        <property name="meterRegistry" ref="meterRegistry" />

        <!-- Set the HttpRequestTimeMetricsMetaDataBuilder to handlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder property -->
        <property name="handlerMetricsMetaDataBuilder">
          <component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.http.HttpRequestTimeMetricsMetaDataBuilder" />

      <component class="nablarch.fw.web.handler.HttpCharacterEncodingHandler"/>

      <!-- ... -->

If you use LoggingMeterRegistry, you will get like the following metrics.

2020-10-06 13:52:10.309 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: http.server.requests{class=com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.AuthenticationAction,exception=None,httpMethod=POST,method=login_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext,outcome=REDIRECTION,status=303} throughput=0.2/s mean=0.4617585s max=0.4617585s
2020-10-06 13:52:10.309 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: http.server.requests{class=com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.IndustryAction,exception=None,httpMethod=GET,method=find,outcome=SUCCESS,status=200} throughput=0.2/s mean=0.103277s max=0.103277s
2020-10-06 13:52:10.310 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: http.server.requests{class=com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.AuthenticationAction,exception=None,httpMethod=GET,method=index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext,outcome=SUCCESS,status=200} throughput=0.2/s mean=4.7409146s max=4.7409146s
2020-10-06 13:52:10.310 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: http.server.requests{class=com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.ProjectAction,exception=None,httpMethod=GET,method=index_nablarch.fw.web.HttpRequest_nablarch.fw.ExecutionContext,outcome=SUCCESS,status=200} throughput=0.2/s mean=0.5329547s max=0.5329547s

Measure the processing time per transaction of a batch

You can measure the processing time per transaction of the Nablarch Batch Application as metrics with BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger. This will allow you to monitor the average and maximum processing time per transaction.

The BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger collects metrics with Timer(external site). Metrics name is batch.transaction.time.

You can change the name with setMetricsName(String).

Metrics have the following tag.

Tag name Description
class The name of action class (This value is obtained from -requestPath).

The following is an example to use BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger.

<!-- Combining multiple CommitLoggers -->
<component name="commitLogger"
  <property name="commitLoggerList">
      <!-- Configure the default CommitLogger -->
      <component class="nablarch.core.log.app.BasicCommitLogger">
        <property name="interval" value="${nablarch.commitLogger.interval}" />

      <!-- Measuring the processing time per transaction -->
      <component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.batch.BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger">
        <property name="meterRegistry" ref="meterRegistry" />

First, define the CompositeCommitLogger component with the name commitLogger.

Then, set BasicCommitLogger and BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger components to the commitLoggerList property.

Now you can measure time per transaction units. In the following, we explain how it works.

The Nablarch batch controls the transaction commit interval by the Transaction Loop Control Handler. This handler provides a mechanism to call the increment(long) method of the CommitLogger when a transaction is committed. This CommitLogger entity can be overridden by defining a component named commitLogger.

The BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger implements the CommitLogger interface. Then, the BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger measures the time per transaction by measuring the interval between calls to increment(long). Therefore, you can measure time per transaction by defining the BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger component that is named commitLogger.

However, if you define BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger as commitLogger, the default component of CommitLogger, BasicCommitLogger, will not work. Therefore, the above configuration example uses the CompositeCommitLogger, which can combine multiple CommitLoggers, to use the BasicCommitLogger and BatchTransactionTimeMetricsLogger.

If you use LoggingMeterRegistry, you will get like the following metrics.

Feb 18, 2021 11:51:54 AM io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry lambda$publish$5
INFO: batch.transaction.time{class=MetricsTestAction} throughput=0.8/s mean=2.394144925s max=4.692886s

Measure the count that was processed by batch

You can measure the count of input data processed by the Nablarch Batch Application with the BatchProcessedRecordCountMetricsLogger. This will allow you to monitor the progress of the batch and changes in processing speed.

The BatchProcessedRecordCountMetricsLogger collects metrics with Counter(external site). Metrics name is batch.processed.record.count.

You can change the name with setMetricsName(String).

Metrics have the following tag.

Tag name Description
class The name of action class (This value is obtained from -requestPath).

The following is an example to use BatchProcessedRecordCountMetricsLogger.

<!-- Combining multiple CommitLoggers -->
<component name="commitLogger"
  <property name="commitLoggerList">
      <!-- Configure the default CommitLogger -->
      <component class="nablarch.core.log.app.BasicCommitLogger">
        <property name="interval" value="${nablarch.commitLogger.interval}" />

      <!-- Measure the processed count -->
      <component class="nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.batch.BatchProcessedRecordCountMetricsLogger">
        <property name="meterRegistry" ref="meterRegistry" />

The BatchProcessedRecordCountMetricsLogger uses the CommitLogger mechanism to measure the processed count, just as in “Measure the processing time per transaction of a batch”.

For more information on how CommitLogger works and how to use it, please refer to Measure the processing time per transaction of a batch.

Now you can use BatchProcessedRecordCountMetricsLogger.

If you use LoggingMeterRegistry, you will get like the following metrics.

Feb 18, 2021 11:51:44 AM io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry lambda$publish$4
INFO: batch.processed.record.count{class=MetricsTestAction} throughput=4/s
Feb 18, 2021 11:51:49 AM io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry lambda$publish$4
INFO: batch.processed.record.count{class=MetricsTestAction} throughput=10/s
Feb 18, 2021 11:51:54 AM io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry lambda$publish$4
INFO: batch.processed.record.count{class=MetricsTestAction} throughput=8/s

Measure the output count per log level

You can measure the output count per log level with the LogCountMetrics. This will allow you to monitor the frequency of output at specific log levels, monitor error logs.

The LogCountMetrics collects metrics with Counter(external site). Metrics name is log.count. You can change the name with the constructor that receives the MetricsMetaData.

Metrics have the following tags.

Tag name Description
level The log level.
logger The name used to get the logger from the LoggerManager.

Configure LogPublisher

LogCountMetrics uses the LogPublisher mechanism to detect log output events.

Therefore, you need to configure LogPublisher at first to use LogCountMetrics. For LogPublisher settings, see How to use LogPublisher.

Create a custom DefaultMeterBinderListProvider

LogCountMetrics is provided as an implementation class of MeterBinder (external site). Therefore, you need create a class that inherits from DefaultMeterBinderListProvider and implement it to return a list of MeterBinders that contains LogCountMetrics.


For a description of the DefaultMeterBinderListProvider, see Declare the DefaultsMeterBinderListProvider as a component.

The following is an example for a custom DefaultMeterBinderListProvider.

package example.micrometer.log;

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.MeterBinder;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.DefaultMeterBinderListProvider;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.logging.LogCountMetrics;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class CustomMeterBinderListProvider extends DefaultMeterBinderListProvider {

    protected List<MeterBinder> createMeterBinderList() {
        // Add LogCountMetrics to the default MeterBinder list.
        List<MeterBinder> meterBinderList = new ArrayList<>(super.createMeterBinderList());
        meterBinderList.add(new LogCountMetrics());
        return meterBinderList;

Finally, set the custom DefaultMeterBinderListProvider that you created to the meterBinderListProvider property of the MeterRegistryFactory component. Now you can use the LogCountMetrics.

If you use LoggingMeterRegistry, you will get like the following metrics.

2020-12-22 14:25:36.978 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: log.count{level=WARN,logger=com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction} throughput=0.4/s
2020-12-22 14:25:41.978 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: log.count{level=ERROR,logger=com.nablarch.example.app.web.action.MetricsAction} throughput=1.4/s

Log level to be aggregated

By default, only log outputs above the warning log will be counted.

LogCountMetrics has a constructor that receives a LogLevel. You can change the threshold of the log level to be aggregated with the constructor. In the following implementation example, the threshold value is changed to INFO.

// ...
import nablarch.core.log.basic.LogLevel;

public class CustomMeterBinderListProvider extends DefaultMeterBinderListProvider {

    protected List<MeterBinder> createMeterBinderList() {
        List<MeterBinder> meterBinderList = new ArrayList<>(super.createMeterBinderList());
        meterBinderList.add(new LogCountMetrics(LogLevel.INFO)); // Specify the threshold of log level.
        return meterBinderList;


If you lower the log level threshold too much, a large amount of metrics may be collected depending on the application. Depending on the fee structure of the monitoring service to be used, the usage fee may increase, so it should be set with care.

Measure SQL processing time

By using SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext, you can measure the processing time of SQL executed using the Universal DAO. This will allow you to monitor the average and maximum processing time for each SQL.

The SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext collects metrics with Timer(external site). Metrics name is sql.process.time. You can change the name with setMetricsName(String) of the SqlTimeMetricsDaoContextFactory that is a factory class for SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext.

Metrics have the following tags.

Tag name Description
sql.id The SQLID passed in the method argument of DaoContext ("None" if there is no SQLID)
entity The name of the entity class (Class.getName())
method The method name of the executed DaoContext.

The following is an example of the configuration for using SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext.

<!-- Define SqlTimeMetricsDaoContextFactory as daoContextFactory. -->
<component name="daoContextFactory"
  <!-- Set the factory of the DaoContext to be transferred to the delegate. -->
  <property name="delegate">
    <component class="nablarch.common.dao.BasicDaoContextFactory">
      <property name="sequenceIdGenerator">
        <component class="nablarch.common.idgenerator.SequenceIdGenerator" />

  <!-- Set the meterRegistry generated by the registry factory to the meterRegistry property. -->
  <property name="meterRegistry" ref="meterRegistry" />

SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext measures the processing time of each database access method by wrapping DaoContext. Then, SqlTimeMetricsDaoContextFactory is a factory class that generates a SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext that wraps a DaoContext.

Define this SqlTimeMetricsDaoContextFactory as a component with the name daoContextFactory. This will replace the DaoContext used by Universal DAO with SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext.

Now you can use SqlTimeMetricsDaoContext.

If you use LoggingMeterRegistry, you will get like the following metrics.

2020-12-23 15:00:25.161 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: sql.process.time{entity=com.nablarch.example.app.entity.Project,method=delete,sql.id=None} throughput=0.2/s mean=0.0005717s max=0.0005717s
2020-12-23 15:00:25.161 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: sql.process.time{entity=com.nablarch.example.app.entity.Project,method=findAllBySqlFile,sql.id=SEARCH_PROJECT} throughput=0.6/s mean=0.003364233s max=0.0043483s
2020-12-23 15:00:25.161 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: sql.process.time{entity=com.nablarch.example.app.web.dto.ProjectDto,method=findBySqlFile,sql.id=FIND_BY_PROJECT} throughput=0.2/s mean=0.000475s max=0.0060838s
2020-12-23 15:00:25.162 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: sql.process.time{entity=com.nablarch.example.app.entity.Industry,method=findAll,sql.id=None} throughput=0.8/s mean=0.00058155s max=0.0013081s

Measure the value obtained from any MBean as a metric

JmxGaugeMetrics allows you to measure the values obtained from any MBean as metrics. This will allow you to measure the various status of the application server or libraries provided by MBean and monitor them.


MBean is a Java object defined in Java Management Extensions (JMX), which provides APIs for accessing information on managed resources. Many application servers, such as Tomcat, expose the server status (thread pool status, etc.) in MBean. By accessing these MBeans from the application, you can get the status of the server.

For more information about JMX, see the Java Management Extensions Guide (external site).

The JmxGaugeMetrics measure values obtained from MBean with Gauge(external site).

This section explains how to use JmxGaugeMetrics.

First, as an example of referring to the MBean provided by the application server, we show an example of obtaining the status of the Tomcat thread pool. Next, as an example of referring to the MBean provided by the library embedded in the application, we show an example of obtaining the status of the HikariCP connection pool.

Obtain the status of the Tomcat thread pool

JmxGaugeMetrics implements MeterBinder (external site). Therefore, you need create a class that inherits from DefaultMeterBinderListProvider and implement it to return a list of MeterBinders that contains JmxGaugeMetrics.


For a description of the DefaultMeterBinderListProvider, see Declare the DefaultsMeterBinderListProvider as a component.

The following is an example for a custom DefaultMeterBinderListProvider.

package example.micrometer;

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.MeterBinder;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.DefaultMeterBinderListProvider;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.MetricsMetaData;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.jmx.JmxGaugeMetrics;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.jmx.MBeanAttributeCondition;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class CustomMeterBinderListProvider extends DefaultMeterBinderListProvider {

    protected List<MeterBinder> createMeterBinderList() {
        List<MeterBinder> meterBinderList = new ArrayList<>(super.createMeterBinderList());
        meterBinderList.add(new JmxGaugeMetrics(
            // Name and description of metrics.
            new MetricsMetaData("thread.count.current", "Current thread count."),
            // The conditions to specify the attribute of MBean.
            new MBeanAttributeCondition("Catalina:type=ThreadPool,name=\"http-nio-8080\"", "currentThreadCount")
        return meterBinderList;

You must pass following classes to the constructor of JmxGaugeMetrics.

JmxGaugeMetrics gets the MBean based on the information specified in MBeanAttributeCondition. Then, the JmxGaugeMetrics constructs metrics with the information specified in MetricsMetaData.


You can check the object and attribute names of the MBean created by Tomcat with JConsole tool that comes with the JDK. When you connect to the JVM running Tomcat with JConsole and open the “MBeans” tab, you get the list of MBeans in the connected JVM.

For more details about JConsole, refer to the Monitoring and Management Guide (external site).

If you use LoggingMeterRegistry, you will get like the following metrics.

18-Feb-2021 13:17:38.168 INFO [logging-metrics-publisher] io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry.lambda$publish$3 thread.count.current{} value=10

Obtain the status of the HikariCP connection pool

HikariCP (external site) has a function to get status of the connection pool by MBean.

This function will allow JmxGaugeMetrics to collect connection pool status.

First, enable the function to publish status by MBean. You must set true to registerMbeans property of com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://tis.co.jp/nablarch/component-configuration https://nablarch.github.io/schema/component-configuration.xsd">
  <!-- ... -->

  <!-- Datasource configuration -->
  <component name="dataSource"
            class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" autowireType="None">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="${nablarch.db.jdbcDriver}"/>
    <property name="jdbcUrl"         value="${nablarch.db.url}"/>
    <property name="username"        value="${nablarch.db.user}"/>
    <property name="password"        value="${nablarch.db.password}"/>
    <property name="maximumPoolSize" value="${nablarch.db.maxPoolSize}"/>
    <!-- Enable MBean to publish status. -->
    <property name="registerMbeans"  value="true"/>


In the above configuration, we set true to the registerMbeans property in the component definition of HikariDataSource.

Next, configure the JmxGaugeMetrics with the object name and attribute name that you want to measure. The specifications of object names and attribute names are described in the HikariCP document mentioned above (external site).

The following is an example implementation of JmxGaugeMetrics for measuring the maximum count of connection pools and the count of active connections.

package com.nablarch.example.app.metrics;

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.MeterBinder;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.DefaultMeterBinderListProvider;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.MetricsMetaData;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.jmx.JmxGaugeMetrics;
import nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.jmx.MBeanAttributeCondition;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class CustomMeterBinderListProvider extends DefaultMeterBinderListProvider {

    protected List<MeterBinder> createMeterBinderList() {
        List<MeterBinder> meterBinderList = new ArrayList<>(super.createMeterBinderList());
        // The maximum count.
        meterBinderList.add(new JmxGaugeMetrics(
            new MetricsMetaData("db.pool.total", "Total DB pool count."),
            new MBeanAttributeCondition("com.zaxxer.hikari:type=Pool (HikariPool-1)", "TotalConnections")
        // The active count.
        meterBinderList.add(new JmxGaugeMetrics(
            new MetricsMetaData("db.pool.active", "Active DB pool count."),
            new MBeanAttributeCondition("com.zaxxer.hikari:type=Pool (HikariPool-1)", "ActiveConnections")
        return meterBinderList;

If you use LoggingMeterRegistry, you will get like the following metrics.

2020-12-24 16:37:57.143 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: db.pool.active{} value=0
2020-12-24 16:37:57.143 [INFO ]      i.m.c.i.l.LoggingMeterRegistry: db.pool.total{} value=5

About the warning log output when the server is started

There are two main ways for Micrometer to send metrics to the monitoring service.

  • Applications send metrics to the monitoring service at regular intervals (Client pushes)
    • Datadog, CloudWatch, etc
  • The monitoring service queries to the application for metrics at regular intervals (Server polls)
    • Prometheus, etc

In the former case (Client pushes), MeterRegistry will start sending metrics at regular intervals after component creation. On the other hand, HikariCP’s connection pool is designed to be created the first time when the first database access is made.

Therefore, JmxGaugeMetrics will refer to a connection pool that does not exist if it sends metrics before the first database access occurs. At this time, the Micrometer will output the following warning log.

18-Feb-2021 13:17:37.953 WARNING [logging-metrics-publisher] io.micrometer.core.util.internal.logging.WarnThenDebugLogger.log Failed to apply the value function for the gauge 'db.pool.active'. Note that subsequent logs will be logged at debug level.
        java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: com.zaxxer.hikari:type=Pool (HikariPool-1)
                at nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.jmx.JmxGaugeMetrics.obtainGaugeValue(JmxGaugeMetrics.java:59)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.Gauge.lambda$builder$0(Gauge.java:58)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.StrongReferenceGaugeFunction.applyAsDouble(StrongReferenceGaugeFunction.java:47)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.internal.DefaultGauge.value(DefaultGauge.java:54)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry.lambda$publish$3(LoggingMeterRegistry.java:98)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.Meter.use(Meter.java:158)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry.lambda$publish$12(LoggingMeterRegistry.java:97)
                at java.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept(ForEachOps.java:183)
                at java.util.stream.SortedOps$SizedRefSortingSink.end(SortedOps.java:357)
                at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:483)
                at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:472)
                at java.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential(ForEachOps.java:150)
                at java.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential(ForEachOps.java:173)
                at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234)
                at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEach(ReferencePipeline.java:485)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry.publish(LoggingMeterRegistry.java:95)
                at io.micrometer.core.instrument.push.PushMeterRegistry.publishSafely(PushMeterRegistry.java:52)
                at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
                at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:308)
                at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180)
                at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:294)
                at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
                at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
                at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
        Caused by: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: com.zaxxer.hikari:type=Pool (HikariPool-1)
                at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.getMBean(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:1095)
                at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.getAttribute(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:643)
                at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.getAttribute(JmxMBeanServer.java:678)
                at nablarch.integration.micrometer.instrument.binder.jmx.JmxGaugeMetrics.obtainGaugeValue(JmxGaugeMetrics.java:52)
                ... 23 more

The value of the metrics will be NaN while the connection pool is not created.

18-Feb-2021 13:18:32.933 INFO [logging-metrics-publisher] io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry.lambda$publish$3 db.pool.active{} value=NaN
18-Feb-2021 13:18:32.933 INFO [logging-metrics-publisher] io.micrometer.core.instrument.logging.LoggingMeterRegistry.lambda$publish$3 db.pool.total{} value=NaN

The Micrometer outputs this warning log only the first time, and it suppresses after the second time. The connection pool values will be collected correctly after connection pool is created.

This means that this warning log may be output even when the application is normal, depending on the timing. However, there is no harm. You can ignore this warning log.

If you really want to suppress the warning log, you can avoid it to some extent by implementing the following.

package example.micrometer;

// ...
import nablarch.core.log.Logger;
import nablarch.core.log.LoggerManager;
import nablarch.core.repository.initialization.Initializable;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.sql.Connection;

public class CustomMeterBinderListProvider extends DefaultMeterBinderListProvider implements Initializable {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerManager.get(CustomMeterBinderListProvider.class);

    private DataSource dataSource;

    protected List<MeterBinder> createMeterBinderList() {
        // ...

    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
        this.dataSource = dataSource;

    public void initialize() {
        try (Connection con = dataSource.getConnection()) {
            // Preventing the warning log by establishing a connection during initialization.
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            LOGGER.logWarn("Failed initial connection.", e);

Implement a custom DefaultMeterBinderListProvider with Initializable. Next, implement to accept java.sql.DataSource as a property. Finally, implement the initialize() method that connects to the database.

In the component definition, set the DataSource to the property. Then, add this custom class to the list of components that need initialization.

<component name="meterBinderListProvider"
  <!-- Set the DataSource -->
  <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />

<!-- The components that need initialization. -->
<component name="initializer"
  <property name="initializeList">
      <!-- ... -->

      <!-- Add CustomMeterBinderListProvider for initialization. -->
      <component-ref name="meterBinderListProvider" />

With the above modifications, the database connection will be made when the system repository is initialized. The default interval for sending metrics is 1 minute, so in most cases the connection pool will be created before the metrics are sent. This will cause no warning log to be output.

Note, however, that if the interval for sending metrics is set to a very short time, the metrics may be sent before the system repository is initialized and a warning log may be output.