SLF4J Adapter

Table of contents

A lot of Java OSS modules use SLF4J(external site) for logging, and if you use these modules, you may want to aggregate the log output into Nablarch’s Log Output function. To address this case, provide an adapter to log output in Nablarch’s log output function via the SLF4J API.

Module list

<!-- SLF4J Adapter -->


Tested with SLF4J 1.7.25. If you change the version, the project should be tested on the project side to make sure it is working.

Using SLF4J Adapter

This adapter can be used simply by adding the SLF4J adapter to the project’s dependent modules, as SLF4J automatically detects the classes needed at runtime. See Nablarch’s Log Output function for log output settings.

<!-- SLF4J Adapter -->