2.4. Details of Function

2.4.4. Exclusive control

Although 2 types of exclusive control are offered, Universal DAO is recommended based on the description in reason UniversalDao is recommended.

2.4.6. File download

Although 2 types of file download are offered, Data Bind is recommended based on the description in reason data bind is recommended.

Refer to Deferred loading of search results when downloading large amounts of data, and be careful not to expand the database search results on the heap.

2.4.7. Mapping of URI and action

Although the following 2 methods are offered, Routing Adapter is recommended based on the reasons described in reason why routing adapter is recommended.

2.4.12. Internationalization

See the following for multilingualization of static resources.

Although the following two methods are provided to switch the language of the text to be displayed on the screen, the screen layout may be corrupted when using the internationalization support internationalization of message tags in the message tag. For this reason, use internationalization of message tags only when a layout corrupted is acceptable.

2.4.13. Authentication

Authentication is not provided as a flake work because the specifications vary depending on the project requirements. Implement Sample Password Encryption Function Using Database in the project according to the project requirements, referring to authentication.

See below for information on retaining the authentication information.