Details of Function¶
Table of contents
Initializing the system repository¶
The system repository is initialized by specifying the path of the system repository configuration file when the application starts. For more information, see How to launch an application
Exclusive control¶
Although 2 types of exclusive control are offered, Universal DAO is recommended due to the reasons described inreason UniversalDao is recommended .
Execution control¶
- Process exit code
- Returns an error response message when an error occurs
- Terminate the messaging process abnormally (same as messaging using tables as queues)
- Parallel execution of processing (multi-threading)
MOM messaging¶
- MOM Messaging
- Data reader provided as standard
- Resend control
Format the display format of the output data¶
When generating the output data, display format such as date and number of the data can be formatted by using Formatter . For details, see Formatter .