3.1.8. How to execute a request unit test Prerequisites

Testing for the RESTful web service runtime platform requires the addition of dependent modules in addition to other runtime testing frameworks. See How to Use the Automated Testing Framework for more information. How to implement the test class

import nablarch.fw.web.HttpResponse;
import nablarch.fw.web.RestMockHttpRequest;
import nablarch.test.core.http.RestTestSupport;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareMode;

import static com.jayway.jsonpath.matchers.JsonPathMatchers.hasJsonPath;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;

public class SampleTest extends RestTestSupport { //Inherit RestTestSupport
    @Test  //Annotate
    public void testsThatTheProjectListCanBeObtained() throws JSONException {
        String message = "Get the project list";

        RestMockHttpRequest request = get("/projects");               //Generate Request
        HttpResponse response = sendRequest(request);                 //Send Request
        assertStatusCode(message, HttpResponse.Status.OK, response);  //Assert result

        assertThat(response.getBodyString(), hasJsonPath("$", hasSize(10)));    //Validation of the response body using json path-assert

        JSONAssert.assertEquals(message, readTextResource("testsThatTheProjectListCanBeObtained.json")
                , response.getBodyString(), JSONCompareMode.LENIENT);                  //Verification of the response body using JSONAssert
} Inherit the superclasses of test classes provided by the framework

Inherit class nablarch.test.core.http.RestTestSupport as a superclass of the test class. SimpleRestTestSupport class if you do not need to put in test data and assert the database. In that case you can skip reading How to write test data below.

See How to Use the Automated Test Framework for details on each superclass. Use JUnit4 annotations

Since the Testing Framework is based on JUnit4, the method under test is annotated with @Test. Generating a request with Pre-preparation assistance features

Generate the request using the pre-preparation assistance features provided in the superclass. Send request

Send the request by calling the send request method provided in the superclass. Result validation

Status codes are verified by calling the methods provided in the superclass. For the response body, use an arbitrary library to perform application-specific verification. How to write test data

You can write test data as described in Test data description using Excel. However, the only data that is automatically loaded in the tests for the RESTful web services execution infrastructure is the following.

  • Common database initial values across test classes
  • Database initial values per test method


For other tests than the RESTful web service runtime platform, an Excel file was required for each test class. For the RESTful web service runtime platform, the absence of an Excel file does not result in an error, it simply skips the data load into the database.


It is possible to include test data other than the above in an Excel file. In that case, you will need to write the process of getting the values into the test class in the way described in To acquire input parameters and expected values for return values, etc. from an Excel file. In order to reduce the amount of test class implementation, the superclass RestTestSupport provides the following methods.

List<Map<String, String>> getListMap(String sheetName, String id)
List<Map<String, String[]>> getListParamMap(String sheetName, String id)
Map<String, String[]> getParamMap(String sheetName, String id) Common database initial values across test classes

See Common database initial values for test classes. Database initial values per test method

Prepare a sheet with name of the test method in an Excel file containing the test data, and write the database initial values with the data type accoring to SETUP_TABLES. The data written here will be put in when the test method is executed by the framework.