How to Execute a Request Unit Test (Batch)

How to write a test class

The test class should be created in such a way that the following conditions are met.

  • The test class package should be the same as the Action class to be tested.
  • Create a test class with a class name of <Action class name>RequestTest.
  • Inherits nablarch.test.core.batch.BatchRequestTestSupport.

For example, if the Action class to be tested is nablarch.sample.ss21AA.RM21AA001Action, the test class would be as follows.

package nablarch.sample.ss21AA;

// ~ Middle is omitted ~

public class RM21AA001ActionRequestTest extends BatchRequestTestSupport {

Test method division

In principle, there is one test method per test case. The test method to be created is determined by the following procedure:

  • In principle, one test method is created for one test case.
  • As an exception, if it is more efficient to describe multiple cases collectively, consider using multiple test cases in one test method.

In batch processing, multiple records are handled at once, so the test data is relatively large.If multiple test cases are described in one test method, a large amount of test data will be described in one sheet,and readability and maintainability will be reduced. Therefore, in principle, we use one test case and one test method.

However, it may be more efficient to describe multiple test cases together. In this case, we consider describing multiple cases together.

  • When the test cases have a strong relationship and the readability is degraded by dividing the sheet. (e.g., a test case for checking the format of an input file)
  • Since the test data is small, description on one sheet does not affect readability and maintainability.

How to write test data

The Excel file containing the test data should be stored in the same directory with the same name as the test source code, same as in the class unit test (only the extension differs).

For information on how to write test data, refer to “Test data description using Excel”.

Common database initial values for test classes

The same applies for web applications. See “Common database initial values for test classes”.

List of test cases

Case table for a single test method is described in the data type of LIST_MAP. The ID is testShots.

Each case should have the following elements:

Column name Description Required
no Write the test case numbers sequentially from 1. Required
description Write an explanation of the test case. Required
expectedStatusCode Expected status code Required
setUpTable When registering in the database before each test case execution, the Group IDof the data described in the same sheet should be described[1]. Data is input by an automated test framework.  
setUpFile When creating the input file before executing each test case, enter the Group ID of the data that is described in the same sheet[1]. The creation of the file is done by an automated test framework.  
expectedFile When comparing the contents of output files, describe the Group ID of the expected file[1].  
expectedTable When comparing the contents of the database, the Group ID of the table that is be expected should be mentioned[1].  
expectedLog Describe the LIST_MAP data ID that describes the expected log message. The log message is verified by the automated test framework to see if it has actually been output. (See “Log result verification”)  
diConfig Describe the path to the component configuration file when executing a batch. (See Command line arguments) Required
requestPath The request path to execute the batch is described. (See Command line arguments) Required
userId Enter the batch execution user ID. (See Command line arguments) Required
expectedMessage When sending synchronous message, the Group ID of the expected request message is described. Messages are created by an automated test framework.  
responseMessage If sending synchronous message, the Group ID of the response message to be returned is described.Messages are created by an automated test framework.  
expectedMessageByClient When sending synchronous HTTP message, the Group ID of the expected request message is described.Messages are created by an automated test framework.  
responseMessageByClient If sending synchronous HTTP message, the Group ID of the response message to be returned is described.Messages are created by an automated test framework.  

[1](1, 2, 3, 4) To use the default group ID (but not the group ID), write default. Default group ID and individual groups can be used together. When both data are mixed, both data of the default group ID and data of the specified group ID are valid.

Command line arguments

The method to specify the Command line arguments in the test data is described.

To specify the batch start-up arguments, add a column in the form of args[n] (where the index n is an integer greater than or equal to 0).

no case ... args[0] args[1] args[2]
1 xxx case ... First argument Second argument Third argument


The index n must be a continuous integer.

If the column other than the above is added to the Test Case list, the column is considered to be a command line option.

For example, suppose you have the following column in the list of Test Cases

no case ... paramA paramB
1 xxx case ... valueA valueB

-paramA=valueA -paramB=valueB

Command line option is specified.

Various preparation data

This section explains how to describe the various preparation data required for testing. In batches, the database and input files are prepared.

Database preparation

Map with groupID in the same way as online.

Preparing a fixed-length file

If the information of the fixed length file is described in the test data, the automated test framework will create the file before the test execution. Describe in the following format.

SETUP_FIXED[Group ID]=filepath.

Directive line

Record type Field name(1) Field name(2) ... [2]
Data type(1) Data type(2) ...
Field length(1) Field length(2) ...
Data(1-1) Data(2-1) ...
Data(1-2) Data(2-2) ...
... [3] ... ...

[2]On the right side, the number of fields continues in the same way.
[3]Below this, the number of data continues in the same way.

Name Description
Group ID Specify the group ID. It is connected with the group ID described in the setUpFileof the test case list.
File path Enter the file path from the current directory (including the file name).
Directive line [4] Describes the directive. The cell to the right of the directive name cell contains the configuration value (multiple lines are allowed).
Record type Describe the record type. In the case of multiple layouts, this description should be written in succession.
Field name Describes the field name. Describes only the number of fields.
Data type

Describes the data type of the field. Describes only the number of fields.

The data type is described with a Japanese name such as “half-width alphabets (半角英字)”.Refer to the member variable DEFAULT_TABLE of BasicDataTypeMapping for the mapping between data types in the format definition file and data types with Japanese names.

Field length Describes the field type of the field. Describes only the number of fields.
Data Describe the data stored in that field. If multiple records exist, the entry of data should be continued in the next line.

When writing a directive, the contents corresponding to the following in the format definition file need not be described.

Item Reason
file-type To indicate that the data type is a fixed length with SETUP_FIXED specification.
record-length To pad with the size specified in the field length.


Duplicate field names are not allowed in one record type. For example, there should be not more than 1 field named as “Name”. (Typically, unique field names are given in such cases, such as “Name of this member” and “Name of family member.”) It does not matter if the same name exists between different record types. (For example, the header record and trailer record may each have the field name “number of cases”)


Field names, data types and field lengths can be efficiently created by copying and pasting them from the external interface design document. (Check the “transpose matrix” option when pasting.)


When “unsigned numeric” or “signed numeric” data types are used, the data shall contain the value input from the fixed length file (value output to the fixed length file) as it is. In other words, if there are padding characters or signs in a fixed-length file, it is necessary to describe them.

The following are examples of values to be represented and their representation method when the data type is a signed numeric value.(Format definition: Field length 10 digits, padding character ‘0’, decimal point required, code position fixed, positive sign not required)

numeric value to be expressed Description on test data
12345 0000012345
-12.34 -000012.34

When “signed numeric” and “signed numeric” are used as test data, it is necessary to set the data type for the test.

See the example configuration below and add the settings for testing.

<component name="fixedLengthConvertorSetting"
  <property name="convertorTable">
      Default configuration
      If the default configuration is not configured, the default configuration will be overridden with the values configured here.
      <entry key="X" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.SingleByteCharacterString"/>
      <entry key="N" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.DoubleByteCharacterString"/>
      <entry key="XN" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.ByteStreamDataString"/>
      <entry key="Z" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.ZonedDecimal"/>
      <entry key="SZ" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.SignedZonedDecimal"/>
      <entry key="P" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.PackedDecimal"/>
      <entry key="SP" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.SignedPackedDecimal"/>
      <entry key="B" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.Bytes"/>
      <entry key="X9" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.NumberStringDecimal"/>
      <entry key="SX9" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.datatype.SignedNumberStringDecimal"/>

      <entry key="pad" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.value.Padding"/>
      <entry key="encoding" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.value.UseEncoding"/>
      <entry key="_LITERAL_" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.value.DefaultValue"/>
      <entry key="number" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.value.NumberString"/>
      <entry key="signed_number" value="nablarch.core.dataformat.convertor.value.SignedNumberString"/>

      Configuring the data type for testing
      Unsigned number (X9)->TEST_X9:nablarch.test.core.file.StringDataType
      Signed number (X9)->TEST_SX9:nablarch.test.core.file.StringDataType
      <entry key="TEST_X9" value="nablarch.test.core.file.StringDataType"/>
      <entry key="TEST_SX9" value="nablarch.test.core.file.StringDataType"/>

Specific examples are given. This file consists of the following records:
  • 1 Header record
  • 2 Data records
  • 1 Trailer record
  • One end record

Character code is Windows-31J, record delimiting character is CRLF.


text-encoding Windows-31J
record-separator CRLF
Header Record classification FILLER  
半角数字 半角  
1 10  
Data Record classification Membership number Enrollment date
半角数字 半角数字 半角数字
1 10 8
1 0000000001 20100101
1 0000000002 20100102
Trailer Record classification Record count FILLER
半角数字 数値 半角
1 5 4
8 2  
End Record classification FILLER  
半角数字 半角  
1 10  

Prepare variable-length file (CSV file)

Preparation of variable length file (CSV file) is almost the same as fixed length file. The difference from fixed length is that the field length is not described for variable length files.


text-encoding Windows-31J
record-separator CRLF
Header Record classification    
Data Record classification Membership number Enrollment date
半角数字 半角数字 半角数字
1 0000000001 20100101
1 0000000002 20100102
Trailer Record classification Record count  
半角数字 数値  
8 2  
End Record classification    


If you want to change the field delimiter, specify the field delimiter explicitly in the directive. For example, if you want to use tabs as delimiters (TSV file), specify the directive as follows.


How to define an empty file

You may want to define an empty file (0-byte file) as the preparation data or expected value.

The definition of the empty file on the test sheet can be realized by defining the directive line and omitting the record definition as in the example below.

Definition example of empty file


text-encoding Windows-31J
record-separator CRLF
// Empty file

Various expected values

When comparing the search results and database with expected values, link each data with the list of test cases using ID.

Expected database status

Link the expected database state with the test case list in the same way as online .

Expected fixed-length file

Assert the fixed length file output by the tested batch.

In the case of the preparation data, the data type is SETUP_FIXED, but when the expected value is described, it becomes EXPECTED_FIXED.

Other test data are described in the same way as the preparation data.See Preparing a fixed-length file.

Expected variable length file

Assert the variable length file output by the batch to be tested.

In the case of preparation data, the data type is SETUP_VARIABLE, but EXPECTED_VARIABLEis used to describe the expected value.

Other test data are described in the same way as the preparation data. See Prepare variable-length file (CSV file).

How to write a test method

Super class

Inherits the BatchRequestTestSupport class. In this class, the request unit test is executed by the following procedure based on the prepared test data.

Create a test method

Create a method corresponding to the prepared test sheet.

public void testRegisterUser() {

Call a superclass method

In the test method, call one of the following methods of the superclass.

  • void execute()
  • void execute(String sheetName)

Normally, execute() is used.Normally, the test sheet name and the test method name are the same though the execute method with argument can specify the sheet name of the test data. If the execute method with no argument is used, it is the same behavior as specifying the test method name to the sheet name of the test data.

public void testResigster() {
    execute();   // [Description] Equivalent to execute ("testRegisterUser")

How to launch the test

Same as the class unit test. Execute the test in the same way as a normal JUnit test.

Test result verification

Result verification of database

By entering the group ID in the expectedTable column of the test case list, the file output result can be checked with the test data of the group ID.

Result verification of file

By entering the group ID in the expectedFile column of the test case list, the file output result can be checked with the test data of the group ID.

The method of describing file expectation values is almost the same as the method of describing prepared data. Only the ID description method is different. The description method for each file type is shown below.

Type of file Group ID not specified When group ID is specified
Fixed-length file EXPECTED_FIXED = Path of the file to be compared EXPECTED_FIXED [Group ID] = Path of the file to be compared
Variable length file EXPECTED_VARIABLE = Path of the file to be compared EXPECTED_VARIABLE [Group ID] = Path of the file to be compared

Log result verification

By entering the group ID in the expectedLog column of the test case list, the log output result can be checked with the test data of the group ID.

The following should be included.

Column name Details
logLevel Log level of expected log
messageN[5] Wording included in the expected log

[5]Where Nis an integer greater than or equal to 1, multiple values (consecutive values) Example: messsage1, message2...


All of these conditions are AND conditions. In the following cases, the expected log is not considered to have been output.

  • If the expected text is logged, but the log level is not as expected
  • If the log level matches, but there is at least one expected text that is not logged

A specific example is shown below.

In the following example, we expect two types of log output.


logLevel message1 message2 message3
INFO NB11AA0101 Starts the process. Member ID=[0001]
FATAL NB11AA0109 An error has occurred.  


If a group ID is entered in the expectedLog field, be sure to set at least one line of the expected message. When the expected message is not set (when the expected message is 0 lines) or when the LIST_MAP element attached to the group ID described in the expectedLog column does not exist, this framework judges that the preparation of the expected value is insufficient and throws out an exception.