Create a Search Function

This section describes the search function based on an example application.

Description of the function to be created

This function adds search conditions to the query parameter during a GET request, and returns the project information that matches the conditions in JSON format.

Customer ID (exact match) and project name (partial match) can be specified as the search conditions. If a search condition is not specified, all project information is returned.

Communication confirmation procedure
  1. Search for project information

The following searches the project information for customer ID 1.

Use any REST client to send the following request.

HTTP method
  1. Confirm the search results

Confirm that the following JSON format response is returned by executing 1.

    "projectName":"Project 001",

    // Omitted

}] Search the project information

Create a form

Create a form to accept the value submitted by the client.

public class ProjectSearchForm implements Serializable {

    /** Customer ID */
    private String clientId;

    /** Project name */
    private String projectName;

    // Getter and setter are omitted
Key points of this implementation
Create a bean that holds the search condition

Create a bean to hold the search condition.

public class ProjectSearchDto implements Serializable {

    /** Customer ID */
    private Integer clientId;

    /** Project name */
    private String projectName;

    // Getter and setter are omitted
Key points of this implementation
Create a SQL for search

Create a SQL for searching.

    $if(clientId) {CLIENT_ID = :clientId}
    AND $if(projectName) {PROJECT_NAME LIKE :%projectName%}
Key points of this implementation
  • To prevent SQL injection, SQL is written in an external file. For more information, see Manage SQL in files .
  • Bind the value to SQL using the bean property name. For more information, see Execute SQL with Bean object as input.
  • To include only the items specified as search condition in the conditions, build a SQL statement using the $if syntax .
Implementation of a business action method

Implement the process to search a database based on search conditions.

public List<Project> find(JaxRsHttpRequest req) {

    // Convert request parameters to bean
    ProjectSearchForm form =
            BeanUtil.createAndCopy(ProjectSearchForm.class, req.getParamMap());

    // Run BeanValidation

    ProjectSearchDto searchCondition = BeanUtil.createAndCopy(ProjectSearchDto.class, form);
    return UniversalDao.findAllBySqlFile(Project.class, "FIND_PROJECT", searchCondition);
Key points of this implementation
  • Specifies MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON in Produces annotation to return the search results in JSON format to the client.
  • Acquires the query parameter from JaxRsHttpRequest .
  • Creates a form from the request parameters using BeanUtil .
  • Validates form using ValidatorUtil#validate.
  • Copies the form value to the search condition bean using BeanUtil .
  • Returns a list of project information obtained using Universal DAO, as a return value.
  • As the returned object is converted to JSON format by Request Body Conversion Handler , conversion process implementation in the business action method is not required.
Define the mapping to the URL

Use Routing Adapter to map business actions and URLs. Use Path annotation for JAX-RS for mapping.

public class ProjectAction {
  public List<Project> find(JaxRsHttpRequest  req) {

      // Convert request parameters to beans
      ProjectSearchForm form =
              BeanUtil.createAndCopy(ProjectSearchForm.class, req.getParamMap());

      // Validate

      ProjectSearchDto searchCondition = BeanUtil.createAndCopy(ProjectSearchDto.class, form);
      return UniversalDao.findAllBySqlFile(Project.class, "FIND_PROJECT", searchCondition);
Key points of this implementation
  • The @Path and @GET annotations are used to define the business action methods to be mapped on GET requests.