Output of Performance Log

Performance log outputs the execution time and memory usage corresponding to an arbitrary process range and is used for performance tuning during development. The application calls the API provided by the framework in the source code and tracks the output after specifying the process range for measurement. Output policy of performance log

Performance logs can affect performance such as acquiring the heap size, etc. It is assumed that the performance log will be used during development and output is limited to the DEBUG level.

Output policy of performance log
Log level Logger name

A configuration example of the log output for the above mentioned output policy is shown below

Configuration example of log.properties

# Output destination of application log
writer.appLog.formatter.format=$date$ -$logLevel$- $runtimeLoggerName$ [$executionId$] boot_proc = [$bootProcess$] proc_sys = [$processingSystem$] req_id = [$requestId$] usr_id = [$userId$] $message$$information$$stackTrace$


# Configure application log

# Configure performance log
Configuration example of app-log.properties
# PerformanceLogFormatter
performanceLogFormatter.format=\n\tpoint = [$point$] result = [$result$]\
                               \n\tstart_time = [$startTime$] end_time = [$endTime$]\
                               \n\texecution_time = [$executionTime$]\
                               \n\tmax_memory = [$maxMemory$]\
                               \n\tstart_free_memory = [$startFreeMemory$] start_used_memory = [$startUsedMemory$]\
                               \n\tend_free_memory = [$endFreeMemory$] end_used_memory = [$endUsedMemory$] How to use Output performance log

Performance log is output using PerformanceLogUtil . PerformanceLogUtil provides PerformanceLogUtil#start which is called at the start of the process and PerformanceLogUtil#end which is called at the end of the process. PerformanceLogUtil will output the log together with the date and time and memory usage acquired by PerformanceLogUtil#start when PerformanceLogUtil#end is called.

Usage example of PerformanceLogUtil is shown below.

// Specify the point that identifies the measurement target in the start method.
// log is not output if this point name is not defined in the configuration file
// to prevent unwanted output because of incorrect configuration.
String point = "UserSearchAction#doUSERS00101";

// Search execution
UserSearchService searchService = new UserSearchService();
SqlResultSet searchResult = searchService.selectByCondition(condition);

// In the end method, point, string indicating the process result and optional information of log output can be specified.
// Optional information of the log output is not specified in the following.
PerformanceLogUtil.end(point, String.valueOf(searchResult.size()));


PerformanceLogUtil uniquely identifies the measurement target with the execution ID + point name. Therefore, note that if PerformanceLogUtil is used during a recursive call, measurement cannot be performed. Configure performance log

The performance log is configured in the property file described in Configure various logs .

Description rules

Class that implements performanceLogFormatter.className PerformanceLogFormatter . Specify to replace.

Format of individual items in the performance log.

Placeholders that can be specified for the format
Measurement target identification ID:
Character string that represents the process result.:
Start date and time of process:
End date and time of process:
Execution time of the process (End date and time – Start date and time ):
Heap size at the start of the process:
Free heap size at the start of the process:
Used heap size used at the start of the process:
Free heap size at the end of the process:
Used heap size at the end of the process:
Default format
\n\tpoint = [$point$] result = [$result$]
\n\tstart_time = [$startTime$] end_time = [$endTime$]
\n\texecution_time = [$executionTime$]
\n\tmax_memory = [$maxMemory$]
\n\tstart_free_memory = [$startFreeMemory$] start_used_memory = [$startUsedMemory$]
\n\tend_free_memory = [$endFreeMemory$] end_used_memory = [$endUsedMemory$]
Date and time pattern to use for date and time of the start and end. For the pattern, specify the syntax specified by SimpleDateFormat . Default is “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS”.
Point name to be output. If more than one is specified, separate them with commas. The performance log is output based on this configuration to prevent unwanted output because of incorrect configuration.
Example of the description
performanceLogFormatter.datePattern=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
performanceLogFormatter.format=point:$point$ result:$result$ exe_time:$executionTime$ms Output as a structured log in JSON format

Logs can be output in JSON format by using Output as a structured log in JSON format setting, but PerformanceLogFormatter outputs each item of the performance log as a string in the message value.

To output each item in the performance log as a JSON value as well, use the PerformanceJsonLogFormatter. You can configure in the property file described in Configure various logs.

Description rules

The properties to be specified when using PerformanceJsonLogFormatter are as follows.

performanceLogFormatter.className required
To output logs in JSON format, specify PerformanceJsonLogFormatter.

Output items of the performance log. Separated by comma.

Output items that can be specified
Measurement target identification ID:
Character string that represents the process result:
Start date and time of process:
End date and time of process:
Execution time of the process (End date and time – Start date and time):
Heap size at the start of the process:
Free heap size at the start of the process:
Used heap size used at the start of the process:
Free heap size at the end of the process:
Used heap size at the end of the process:

All items are output in default.

Date and time pattern to use for date and time of the start and end. For the pattern, specify the syntax specified by SimpleDateFormat . Default is “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS”.
Point name to be output. If more than one is specified, separate them with commas. The performance log is output based on this configuration to prevent unwanted output because of incorrect configuration.
A marker string given at the beginning of a message to identify that the message string after formatting has been formatted into JSON format. If the marker string at the beginning of the message matches the marker string set in JsonLogFormatter, JsonLogFormatter processes the message as JSON data. The default is "$JSON$". If you change it, set the same value in JsonLogFormatter using LogWriter’s structuredMessagePrefix property (see Configure log output for LogWriter properties).
Example of the description