Output of HTTP Access Log (for RESTful Web Service)

The HTTP access log is output using the handler provided by the framework. The HTTP access log is output in the application by configuring the handler.

The handlers required to output the HTTP access log are as follows.

HTTP Access Log (for RESTful Web Service) Handler
Outputs the log at the start and end of the request process.

If the requirements of the trace log of the individual application can be met by output of the request information including the request parameters, then the HTTP access and trace logs can be used together. Output policy of HTTP access log

The HTTP access log is output to an application log that outputs the log of the entire application.

Output policy of HTTP access log for RESTful web service
Log Level Logger name

A configuration example of the log output for the above mentioned output policy is shown below.

Configuration example of log.properties

# Output destination of the application log
writer.appLog.formatter.format=$date$ -$logLevel$- $runtimeLoggerName$ [$executionId$] boot_proc = [$bootProcess$] proc_sys = [$processingSystem$] req_id = [$requestId$] usr_id = [$userId$] $message$$information$$stackTrace$


# Configuration of the application log

# Configuration of HTTP access log
Configuration example of app-log.properties
# JaxRsAccessLogFormatter
jaxRsAccessLogFormatter.beginFormat=@@@@ BEGIN @@@@ rid = [$requestId$] uid = [$userId$] sid = [$sessionId$]\
                                      \n\turl         = [$url$$query$]\
                                      \n\tmethod      = [$method$]\
                                      \n\tport        = [$port$]\
                                      \n\tclient_ip   = [$clientIpAddress$]\
                                      \n\tclient_host = [$clientHost$]
jaxRsAccessLogFormatter.endFormat=@@@@ END @@@@ rid = [$requestId$] uid = [$userId$] sid = [$sessionId$] url = [$url$$query$] method = [$method$] status_code = [$statusCode$]\
                                    \n\tstart_time     = [$startTime$]\
                                    \n\tend_time       = [$endTime$]\
                                    \n\texecution_time = [$executionTime$]\
                                    \n\tmax_memory     = [$maxMemory$]\
                                    \n\tfree_memory    = [$freeMemory$] How to use Configure the HTTP access log (for RESTful Web Service)

The http access log is configured in the property file described in Configure various logs.

Description rules

Class that implements JaxRsAccessLogFormatter. Specify to replace.

Format used for the log output at the start of the request process.

Placeholders that can be specified for the format
Request ID:$requestId$
User ID:$userId$
Query string:$query$
Port number:$port$
HTTP method:$method$
HTTP Session ID:
Session Store ID:
Request parameters:
Session scope information:
Client terminal IP address:
Client terminal host:
User-Agent of HTTP header:
Request Body:$requestBody$
Default format
@@@@ BEGIN @@@@ rid = [$requestId$] uid = [$userId$] sid = [$sessionId$]
    \n\turl         = [$url$]
    \n\tmethod      = [$method$]
    \n\tport        = [$port$]
    \n\tclient_ip   = [$clientIpAddress$]
    \n\tclient_host = [$clientHost$]


Request parameters output with the placeholder $parameters$ do not include the request body. Use $requestBody$ to output the request body.


Although request ID and user ID might overlap with the output items of BasicLogFormatter, they have been provided to increase the flexibility of the HTTP access log format.

When the request ID and user ID are output, Thread Context Variable Management Handler must be included in the handler configuration as they are acquired from ThreadContext. In particular, for user IDs, you need to set a value for the session in your application by referring to the Setting a User ID.


Format used for the log output at the end of the request process.

Placeholders that can be specified for the format
Status code:$statusCode$
Start date and time:
End date and time:
Execution time:$executionTime$
Maximum memory:$maxMemory$
Free memory (at start):
Session Store ID:
Response body:$responseBody$
Default format
@@@@ END @@@@ rid = [$requestId$] uid = [$userId$] sid = [$sessionId$] url = [$url$] status_code = [$statusCode$]
    \n\tstart_time     = [$startTime$]
    \n\tend_time       = [$endTime$]
    \n\texecution_time = [$executionTime$]
    \n\tmax_memory     = [$maxMemory$]
    \n\tfree_memory    = [$freeMemory$]
Date and time pattern to use for date and time of the start and end. For the pattern, specify the syntax specified by SimpleDateFormat. Default is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS.
Specify the parameter name and variable name to be masked with a regular expression. If more than one is specified, separate them with commas. Used for masking both the request parameters and session scope information. The specified regular expression is not case-sensitive. For example, if specified as password, matches with password, newPassword and password2, etc.
Character used for masking. Default is *.
Class for determining whether to output the request body and the response body. Specify the class name that implements MessageBodyLogTargetMatcher. Default is JaxRsBodyLogTargetMatcher.

Class for mask processing of the request body and the response body. Specify the class name that implements LogContentMaskingFilter. Default is JaxRsBodyMaskingFilter.


There are several body formats that can be sent and received by RESTful web services, but the default JaxRsBodyMaskingFilter supports only the JSON format.

When masking the request body and the response body, specify the names of items to be masked. If multiple items are specified, they are separated by commas.
Request parameter separator. Default is \n\t\t .
Separator for session scope information. Default is \n\t\t .
Whether output at the start of the request process is enabled. Default is true. If specified as false, it is not output at the start of the request process.
Whether output at the end of the request process is enabled. Default is true. If specified as false, it is not output at the end of the request process.
Example of the description
jaxRsAccessLogFormatter.beginFormat=> sid = [$sessionId$] @@@@ BEGIN @@@@\n\turl = [$url$]\n\tmethod = [$method$]
jaxRsAccessLogFormatter.endFormat=< sid = [$sessionId$] @@@@ END @@@@ url = [$url$] status_code = [$statusCode$]
jaxRsAccessLogFormatter.datePattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
jaxRsAccessLogFormatter.endOutputEnabled=true Output as a structured log in JSON format

Logs can be output in JSON format by using Output as a structured log in JSON format setting, but JaxRsAccessLogFormatter outputs each item of the http access log as a string in the message value.

To output each item in the http access log as a JSON value as well, use the JaxRsAccessJsonLogFormatter.

You can configure in the property file described in Configure various logs.

Description rules

The properties to be specified when using JaxRsAccessJsonLogFormatter are as follows.

httpAccessLogFormatter.className required
To output logs in JSON format, specify JaxRsAccessJsonLogFormatter.

Items for the log output at the start of the request process. Separated by comma.

Output items that can be specified and default output items
Label:label default
Request ID:requestId default
Usre ID:userId default
HTTP Session ID:
 sessionId default
Session Store ID:
URL:url default
Port number:port default
HTTP method:method default
Query string:queryString
Request parameters:
Session scope information:
Client terminal IP address:
 clientIpAddress default
Client terminal host:
 clientHost default
User-Agent of HTTP header:
Request body:requestBody

The details of the output items are omitted because they are the same as the placeholders for the format used to output the log at the start of the request process.


Items used for the log output at the end of the request process. Separated by comma.

Output items that can be specified and default output items
Label:label default
Request ID:requestId default
User ID:userId default
HTTP Session ID:
 sessionId default
Session Store ID:
URL:url default
Status code:statusCode default
Start date and time:
 startTime default
End date and time:
 endTime default
Executuion time:
 executionTime default
Maximum memory:maxMemory default
Free memory(at start):
 freeMemory default
Response body:responseBody

Omitted as it is the same as format used for the log output at the end of the request process.

Date and time pattern to use for date and time of the start and end. For the pattern, specify the syntax specified by SimpleDateFormat. Default is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS.
Specify the parameter name and variable name to be masked with a regular expression (partial match). If more than one is specified, separate them with commas. Used for masking both the request parameters and session scope information. The specified regular expression is not case-sensitive. For example, if specified as password, matches with password, newPassword and password2, etc.
Character used for masking. Default is *.
Whether output at the start of the request process is enabled. Default is true. If specified as false, it is not output at the start of the request process.
Whether output at the end of the request process is enabled. Default is true. If specified as false, it is not output at the end of the request process.
Value to be output to the label in the log at the start of the request process. Default is "HTTP ACCESS BEGIN"
Value to be output to the label in the log at the end of the request process. Default is "HTTP ACCESS END"
A marker string given at the beginning of a message to identify that the message string after formatting has been formatted into JSON format. If the marker string at the beginning of the message matches the marker string set in JsonLogFormatter, JsonLogFormatter processes the message as JSON data. The default is "$JSON$". If you change it, set the same value in JsonLogFormatter using LogWriter’s structuredMessagePrefix property (see Configure log output for LogWriter properties).
Example of the description
httpAccessLogFormatter.beginLabel=HTTP ACCESS BEGIN
httpAccessLogFormatter.endLabel=HTTP ACCESS END About Session Store ID

If the session store ID is included in the output, the ID identifying the session issued by Session Store is output.

The value saved in the request process of the Session Variable Store Handler is used for this value. Therefore, if the session store ID is to be logged, the HTTP Access Log (for RESTful Web Service) Handler must be placed after the Session Variable Store Handler.

Since the session store ID is fixed in the state at the start of request processing, the specification is as follows.

  • For requests that do not have a session store ID, all session store IDs output within the same request are empty, even if an ID is issued in the middle.
  • If the session is destroyed or the ID is changed, the value in the log does not change from the value at the start of the request processing.