Sample Collection of Fixed (Fixed-Length) Multi Format Definition

Example of identifying format with a single field

When a single field is a condition, if the field value matches the condition defined in each format, then it is processed with the record definition.

In this example, records are identified by the following rules:

  • Header record type if dataKbn is 1.
  • Data record type if dataKbn is 2.
file-type:        "Fixed" # Fixed-length
text-encoding:    "MS932" # Character encoding of the string type field
record-length:    40      # Length of each record
record-separator: "\r\n"  # Carriage return and Line feed (crlf)

# Define record identification field
1 dataKbn X(1)

# Define the header record
dataKbn = "1"
1 dataKbn X(1)
2 data    X(39)

# Define data record
dataKbn = "2"
1 dataKbn X(1)
2 data    X(39)
Example of identifying format with multiple fields

When a record is identified by multiple of fields, the processing is performed by the record definition if all conditions are satisfied.

In this example, records are identified by the following rules:

  • ParentData record type if dataKbn is 1 and type is 01.
  • ChildData record type if dataKbn is 2 and type is 02.
file-type:        "Fixed" # Fixed-length
text-encoding:    "MS932" # Character encoding of the string type field
record-length:    40      # Length of each record
record-separator: "\r\n"  # Carriage return and Line feed (crlf)

# Define record identification field
1   dataKbn X(1)      # First 1 byte
10  type    X(2)      # 2 bytes from the 10th byte

dataKbn = "1"
type    = "01"
1  dataKbn X(1)
2  ?filler X(9)
10 type    X(2)
13 data    X(28)

dataKbn = "1"
type    = "02"
1  dataKbn X(1)
2  ?filler X(9)
10 type    X(2)
13 data    X(28)
Example when the identification item is different for each record

When items used for identification differ for each record, all fields used for identification are defined in the record identification field. In the condition definition section of each record, a condition for identifying the record is defined.

In this example, records are identified by the following rules:

  • Header record type if dataKbn is 1.
  • Data1 record type if dataKbn is 2 and type is 01.
  • Data2 record type if dataKbn is 2 and type is 02.
file-type:        "Fixed" # Fixed-length
text-encoding:    "MS932" # Character encoding of the string type field
record-length:    40      # Length of each record
record-separator: "\r\n"  # Carriage return and Line feed (crlf)

# Define record identification field
1   dataKbn X(1)      # First 1 byte
10  type    X(2)      # 2 bytes from the 10th byte

# Header
dataKbn = "1"
1  dataKbn X(1)
2  ?filler X(39)

dataKbn = "2"
type    = "01"
1  dataKbn X(1)
2  ?filler X(9)
10 type    X(2)
13 data    X(28)

dataKbn = "2"
type    = "02"
1  dataKbn X(1)
2  ?filler X(9)
10 type    X(2)
13 data    X(28) Sample Collection of Variable (Variable Length) Multi Format Definition

This section describes the definition method for multi-format for variable (variable length) data.

Example of identifying format with a single field

When a single field is a condition, if the field value matches the condition defined in each format, then it is processed with the record definition.

In this example, records are identified by the following rules:

  • Header record type if dataKbn is 1.
  • Data record type if dataKbn is 2.
file-type:        "Variable" # Variable length
text-encoding:    "MS932"    # Character encoding of the string type field
record-separator: "\r\n"     # Carriage return and Line feed (crlf)
field-separator:  ","        # csv

# Define record identification field
1 dataKbn X

# Define the header record
dataKbn = "1"
1 dataKbn X
2 data    X

# Define data record
dataKbn = "2"
1 dataKbn X
2 data    X
Example of identifying format with multiple fields

When a record is identified by multiple of fields, the processing is performed by the record definition if all conditions are satisfied.

In this example, records are identified by the following rules:

  • ParentData record type if dataKbn is 1 and type is 01.
  • ChildData record type if dataKbn is 2 and type is 02.
file-type:        "Variable" # Variable length
text-encoding:    "MS932"    # Character encoding of the string type field
record-separator: "\r\n"     # Carriage return and Line feed (crlf)
field-separator:  ","        # csv

# Define record identification field
1 dataKbn X
3 type    X

dataKbn = "1"
type    = "01"
1 dataKbn X
2 ?filler X
3 type    X
4 data    X

dataKbn = "1"
type    = "02"
1 dataKbn X
2 ?filler X
3 type    X
4 data    X
Example when the identification item is different for each record

When items used for identification differ for each record, all fields used for identification are defined in the record identification field. In the condition definition section of each record, a condition for identifying the record is defined.

In this example, records are identified by the following rules:

  • Header record type if dataKbn is 1.
  • Data1 record type if dataKbn is 2 and type is 01.
  • Data2 record type if dataKbn is 2 and type is 02.
file-type:        "Variable" # Variable length
text-encoding:    "MS932"    # Character encoding of the string type field
record-separator: "\r\n"     # Carriage return and Line feed (crlf)
field-separator:  ","        # csv

# Define record identification field
1   dataKbn X
3   type    X

# Header
dataKbn = "1"
1 dataKbn X
2 ?filler X

dataKbn = "2"
type    = "01"
1 dataKbn X
2 ?filler X
3 type    X
4 data    X

dataKbn = "2"
type    = "02"
1 dataKbn X
2 ?filler X
3 type    X
4 data    X
Example of using title record

For variable length file With title record , defining record identification conditions for title records is not required.

When the format other than title record is a single format, definition of record identifier ( Classifier ) is not required as shown in the example below. The layout definition of the title record is defined with Title as the record type name.

# If requires-title is true, the first line is read and written as the title.
requires-title: true

# Title-specific record type The first line is read and written with this record type.
1   Kubun      N
2   Name       N
3   Publisher  N
4   Authors    N
5   Price      N

# Data record type. The lines after the first line are read and written with this record type.
1   Kubun      X
2   Name       N
3   Publisher  N
4   Authors    N
5   Price      N

When the format other than title record is multi-format, definition of record identifier ( Classifier ) is required as shown in the example below. For the record definition whose record type indicating the title record is Title , the condition definition required for multi-format is not required.

file-type:    "Variable"     # Variable length
text-encoding:     "ms932"   # File encoding
record-separator:  "\r\n"    # Carriage return and Line feed line break
field-separator:   ","       # Field separator character
quoting-delimiter: "\""      # Enclosing character
requires-title: true         # Read/write first line as title

1  Kubun X                   # Record type identification field (data classification)
                             # 1: Data, 2: Trailer

# Title-specific record type Multi-format does not require format application conditions.
1   Kubun      N  "Data partition"
2   Name       N  "Book title"
3   Publisher  N  "Publisher"
4   Authors    N  "Authors"
5   Price      N  "Price"

[DataRecord]                 # Data record type
  Kubun = "1"                # Data format application conditions
1   Kubun      X             # Data partition
2   Name       N             # Book title
3   Publisher  N             # Publisher
4   Authors    N             # Authors
5   Price      N             # Price

[TrailerRecord]              # Trailer record type
  Kubun = "2"                # Trailer format application conditions
1   Kubun      X             # Data partition
2   RecordNum  X             # The total number of cases


To change the record type name of the title record from Title , use data_format-title_type_name directive . In that case, change the record type name that indicates the title record from Title to the value configured in data_format-title_type_name directive .