8.4.1. Initial Setup of Web Project for Container

The following is procedures of initial setup of the web project for container:

  • Generating web project for container
  • Confirm communications of web project
  • Create a container image
  • Run Container Image Overview of the generated project

The overview of the project generated by this procedure is as follows.

Item Description
Project Type Maven project
Project composition Single project composition
DB used H2 Database Engine (embedded in the application)
Built-in adapter Routing adapter (for details, see Routing Adapter)
What is included in the generated project?

The following is included in the generated project:

  • Basic configuration for the Nablarch web application
  • Web application for communication confirmation
  • Initial configuration of the tool that operates in conjunction with Maven (is imported by referring to nablarch-archetype-parent (parent project)).

For relationship with other projects and directories, see Maven Archetype Configuration. Create blank project

Generate a blank project using the archetypes provided by Nablarch. Execute the mvn command

Use Maven Archetype Plugin(external site) to generate a blank project.

Change the current directory to the directory where the blank project (can be any directory) is to be created, and place the following file.

Batch file

After placing the file, specify the necessary parameters in the arguments and execute the bat file.

generateContainerWebProject.bat 5u24 <<groupId>> <<artifactId>> <<version>> <<package(optional)>>

The parameters to be set in the above command are as follows. If you want to change the version of nablarch, change 5u24 .

Input item Description Configuration example
groupId Group ID (normally, enter the package name) com.example
artifactId Artifact ID myapp-container-web
version Version number 0.1.0
package Package (normally the same as group ID) com.example


Item groupId and package are mapped to the Java package name. Use lowercase letters, numbers, and dots for these input values, and do not use hyphens.

If the command ends normally, a blank project is created under the current directory. Communication confirmation

The communication confirmation mechanism and procedures are the same as for a normal web project. Thus, see Initial Setup of Web Project.


The artifact ID should be replaced with myapp-container-web to specify the directory and command. Create a container image

The blank project has a plugin named Jib (External sites) built in to create an image of a Docker container.

The jib: dockerBuild goal of this plugin can be executed to create a container image.

cd myapp-container-web
mvn package jib:dockerBuild

If the execution is successful, the log given below will be output to the console.

[INFO] Built image to Docker daemon as myapp-container-web, myapp-container-web, myapp-container-web:0.1.0
[INFO] Executing tasks:
[INFO] [==============================] 100.0% complete
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Built Docker images are stored in a local repository. Can see the images stored in the local repository with the following command.

docker image ls
REPOSITORY              TAG         IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
myapp-container-web     0.1.0       dd60cbdc7722   50 years ago   449MB
myapp-container-web     latest      dd60cbdc7722   50 years ago   449MB

Can see that there are 2 images registered: myapp-container-web:0.1.0 and myapp-container-web:latest .

As you can see, the blank project is configured to create the following two images by executing jib:dockerBuild.

  • ${project.artifactId}:latest
  • ${project.artifactId}:${project.version}

Tomcat image (External sites) is used as base image by default.

The base image can be changed with the jib.from.image property. For example, if you want to use tomcat:9.0.31-jdk11-adoptopenjdk-hotspot for your base image, you would write it in pom.xml .

  <! -- Omitted ...-->
    <! -- Omitted ...-->
    <! -- Omitted ...-->
  <! -- Omitted ...-->


In the blank project, the base image is specified with a Docker image tag. In this case, the latest version of the specified image will be selected. If a different version is selected than at the time of verification, it may affect the operation of the application. Therefore, it is recommended to specify the base image as a digest in order to specify exactly which version, after the test is completed.

An example of setting by digest is shown below.

<jib.from.image>tomcat@sha256:7d59567f61e79f5dc1226a3ee26b4a4c2befc5cae182f7e0823199cf5885409b</jib.from.image> Run a container image

Once you have created a container image, you can run it with the following command.

cd myapp-container-web
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v %CD%\h2:/usr/local/tomcat/h2 --name myapp-container-web myapp-container-web

Once the container is up and running, you can check the application in your web browser by accessing http://localhost:8080/ .


The above command is an example of the case where SAMPLE.h2.db, which is included in the blank project beforehand, is used as the database. If you do not use SAMPLE.h2.db, you do not need to specify a volume (-v).


Running Docker assumes that you are using Docker Desktop (see Prerequisite). If you are using the Docker Toolbox, the volume specification in the above example will fail.

If you are using the Docker Toolbox, Docker is running in a VM on VirtualBox. Therefore, the path that can be specified on the host side of the volume is the path on the VM.

On Windows, by default C:\Users is mounted in /c/users on the VM. Thus, if you are using the Docker Toolbox, you must specify the volume as -v/c/users/path/to/project/h2:/usr/local/tomcat/h2 .

To exit the container, execute the following command.

docker stop myapp-container-web

To delete a container, execute the following command.

docker rm myapp-container-web Supplementary notes

For information on the method of confirming the data of H2 and tools included in the blank project, see Initial Setup Procedure Supplementary Information.